
Starcraft 2 legacy of the confederation
Starcraft 2 legacy of the confederation

20 years ago when UPL allied up with Protoss, the Russians didn't trust the Protoss and decided to break away from UPL, and in response UPL declared war on Russia. 20 years after the Psi Emitters were put on Earth, Zerg came to Solar System. The Protoss put Psi Emitters in Earth to attrack the Zerg 2. UPL allied up with Protoss, but Russians didn't trust the Protoss and severed their tie with UPL and in response UPL decalred war with Russia.

starcraft 2 legacy of the confederation

I found something is strange about the timeline here. Even if you use the Brood War as the starting date to work back from (2500), it still comes out wrong. This only gets more difficult when you take into consideration that Astartes' studies started 20 years prior to the UPL missions and his logs state that the UPL was the dominant government on Earth, pushing this version of the UPL's existance back to 2202, or 27 years prior to its actual founding. Thus you can see where the problem lies in the UPL existing 7 years prior to its own existence. > There is a slight discrepancy in the years that this takes place: 2499 (the start of the Great War) - 250 years (this mission) = 2249 That doesn't mean much until you take into account the UPL: 2249 - 27 years (the UPL missions) = 2222 The SC manual states that the UPL was formed on November 22, 2229.

starcraft 2 legacy of the confederation

This is off by 10% in the SC manual it states that the UPL controlled *95%* of the population. Factual errors in this mission: > The Terran study log by Astartes states that the UPL controlled *85%* of the populace.

Starcraft 2 legacy of the confederation